Are We Doomed To Become Redundant In A VUCA World?

  VUCA? Yes, VUCA is the acronym coined by the U.S. Army in the 1990s to describe the post-Cold War…


Are You Ready To Embrace Gig Economy?

Why Should Anyone Consider It At All? Most workers have turned to the gig economy as a way to work…


A Value Mindset

The familiar adage that "It's a jungle out there" applies to everyone who wish to promote any idea, product or…


Career Challenges of Millennials and Youths

Millennials are the children of the Baby Boomers. The oldest Millennials are born at the early 1980s. Youth is the…


Affiliate Marketer Of Other People’s Products

Ever since the release of the 4-Hour Workweek (authored by Tim Ferris), people started to explore the affiliate marketing as…


Thrive Between Survive Now Till Wealthy

Most people have needs and wants. If you’re able to plan for your “retirement” funding, you may ask “What about…


Planning For Retirement Is Simple, Not Easy

Most people do not think of their retiring needs until their age are closer to retirement age. For a Singapore…


Your Contribution to Country Matters, Anyone?

The universe, the world around you and you exist because you're alive, conscious and aware of it! - Reubeno_Wise  …


Who Pays For Cheap Products

We, consumers want everything to be cheap. The Cheaper, The Better! We sometimes, wonder how  the purchased price of the…


Skilled Labour_One’s Perspective

What is Globalization? Impact of Globalization     What is Tripartism? Tripartism in Singapore refers to the collaboration among unions,…
