A Value Mindset

Food For Thought

The familiar adage that “It’s a jungle out there” applies to everyone who wish to promote any idea, product or service.

Most potential listeners and clients are wary of people who promote the above and change; and the market is crowded with ideas, products and services that are barely distinguishable from one another.

Many people have some points in their lives, come across good career and business ideas that could solve or mitigate some niche human problems or itches.

Unfortunately, they usually started with a “What Is It For Me” WIIFM mindset instead of “What Is It For Them” in the career arena and commercial venture. Being employees or people running businesses with this mindset are then a struggle or worst still a failure. They had no clue that their “WIIFM” mindset is one of the main contributing causes to their career and business suffering or failure.

They had the mistaken belief that:

“Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.”

This quote was attributed to the American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson who illustrates a common misconception in business.

The “better mousetrap fallacy” is the mistaken belief that a superior product(/idea) will automatically generate customers(/believers), which would remove the need for building that “path to your door” through a strong marketing (and action) plan.

A Value Proposition is a clear statement that explains how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situation (relevancy), delivers specific benefits (quantified value), tells the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not from the competition (unique differentiation).

Let name the protagonist who is developing the right mental attitude and studying human relations, as A.man.

A.man can be a man or a woman and from a different nationality, social class, culture or race and has a value proposition mindset.

A.man can also be a group of like-minded and committed individuals whose mission is to complete the important task that all of them believed in.

“Today, like it or not, we’re all in sales,” says Dan Pink for Big Think Edge. Recognizing this is the first step to mastering the essential art of persuasion. 

If you are in the business of promoting concepts, strategies and systems to potential boss or clients, your job is to pitch your grand idea for acceptance by them.

A.man knows that to be a sales personality of the right kind, he needs to build friendship and trust with people he is dealing with.

The more, the people like your business profile or you, the better is your chance of promoting your ideas, (products or services) and acceptance of your ideas (conversion to sales).

A.man must have the following:

  • gain the confidence of the listener (a buyer)
  • win the respect of of the listener (a buyer)
  • win the friendship of the listener (a buyer)

His personality must not:

  • leave an untrustworthy impression
  • antagonise the listener (a buyer)
  • be so weak that the listener (a customer) knows he/she can dominate him.

“The Biggest Differentiator In A Competitive Marketplace Is You.

Sell Yourself First” – Thomas A. Freese

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