Riches Are In The Niches

The Internet is the ultimate machine for marketing “Niche” products
– Marc Ostrofsky, an Entrepreneur and Internet Pioneer.


A “Niche” is a Group Of People Looking for (Certain) Stuff
– Kyle Co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate


If we could get the essence of these sound advices, we are on our way to achieve Riches in the Niches.


What are Niches?

Many have tried to explain or illustrate what Niches are and how we could monetise them. The following are some of the key points expounded by experienced and successful internet marketers:-

1)  What are you interested in?

2)  Do people spend money on it?

3)  Are there products to promote?

Clickbank had specially generated training video to explain on the above for would-be Affiliates of products promoted in their website, 4 steps to Affiliate Success.


Most people managed to make money following these three Steps:

1) Find profitable niche products

2) Build a list of people who are interested in these niche products

3) Introduce these Niche products to this group of people.


Sound simple, does it?


Will elaborate on the above and the No. 1 mistake made by most newbies in marketing Niche products in my next  blogpost.


Bye from now.

Reuben H C Ong (a.k.a Reubeno)

Website: http://www.reubenointernet.com/

Email: reubeno@reubenointernet.com


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