About Us

Hi Everyone,

My generation has gone through life, much in tandem with the trials and tribulations of modern, fully independent and sovereign Singapore.

For more information, please refer to “Baby Boom Generation in Singapore and Its Impact on Ageing” by Sharmistha Roy.

In 1960s, the economy of the island state had relied heavily on entrepot trade. Good paying jobs were scarce. People had to work very hard for meagre salaries or hawking for monies to survive.


A descriptive protrait of a country life by Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, former US Secretary of State epitomized the situation, is as following.

“Circumstances could not have been more daunting. Located on a sandbar with no natural resources, Singapore had in the 1950s a polyglot population of slightly over a million (today, closes to 5.5 millions), of which 75.4% was Chinese, 13.6% Malay and 8.6% Indian. No one had previously considered Singaporeans as a nation: They were the residents of a colonial port city, many of them recent immigrants whose only common ‘national’ experience was foreign rule.”


Singapore success stories could not be possible without the extraordinary contributions by Pioneer Singaporeans, led by our 1st Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and its capable & equally hardworking ministers & civil servants.

Mr. Lee turned the absence of national resources into an asset by defining Singapore’s comparative advantage as intellectual excellence and superior performance. He exhorted Singaporeans to consider themselves not only a distinct nation, but one capable of greatness. Mr. Lee’s legacy is too numerous to mentioned here.

To quote the tribute message from Mr. Ang Wei Neng, Advisor to Jurong GRC Grassroots Organisations, “Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had transformed Singapore from a third world country to first in less than a lifetime. Singapore has thrived with Mr. Lee for the last 50 years. The greatest tribute to Mr. Lee would be for Singapore to continue to thrive with his legacy, for the next 50 years or more!


Many baby bommers have “arrived”, not because of their sheer hardwork alone, but riding the crest of globalisation during the period. They manage to attain financial independence and the freedom to choose on activities which are most important & meaningful to them, with their time and energies. Not all of them have achieved the shining academic achievements which are the norm today. Instead, they have accumulated tons of working experience and wisdom by living through “The University of Hard Knocks”. They are still fit and healthy. They are lifelong learners.


Since 2007, the world has moved in record speed (as per moore’s law, overall processing power for computers will double every two years) into digital gobalization, turning the world upside down, supernova phenomenon style!

Thomas L. Friedman, a New York Times Op-Ed columnist, writes about foreign affairs, globalization and technology talked about “Lives in Digital Globalization Age” in MIT Compton Lecture, “Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations”.


Make Today, the start of your best transformation of your mind & body and the change you want to happen in your life.

If not now, when?

If not you, who?

If not this, what?


*PMET come and share your experiences in facebook online meetup.

If you are a *PMET SG or a formerly PMET turned solopreneur or do-gooder, it is your opportunity to join the “Crack Your Destiny Code” Meetup group. The group is a self help community that supports and aspires members to be resilient and adaptive in not only survive but also thrive in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambigous economic and employment landscapes.

Send your printscreen / photo shot of ebook “Cracking The Destiny Code” purchase from Amazon.com. to reubeno@reubenointernet.com, you are welcomed to join our private community at Facebook Personal Development Academy Group. Admission is free!

*Professionals, Managers, Executives, Technicians Singapore

(This is a community service provided by Personal Development Academy)



If you wish to join the “The Age of Accelerations” Conversation online, contact me on email  reubeno@reubenointernet.com  or offline, call me at phone no. +65 85893983.

Let your friends know if they are interested on the above. Thank you.



Reuben H C Ong (a.k.a Reuben Ong)

Founder of Personal Development Academy (PDA)

Book Author of “Cracking The Destiny Code”

Blogger of the following:



