Unlimited Power

In my last  blogpost, we looked  at Stephen R. Covey’s book “The 7 habits of Highly Effective People”.  It has been a top-seller for the simple reason that it ignores trends and pop psychology for proven principles of fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity.

(If you missed last week’s posting – click here to access it)



This week topic is  about Anthony Robbins book, “Unlimited Power”.

This book is about taking the kinds of massive, focused, congruent actions that lead to overwhelming results.  In two words, Producing results!. In the book, Robbins discusses how to use one’s mind to achieve goals and success.


This may explain how he could transform himself from  a person,  in the mid twenties, from an extremely unhappy person, thirty pounds overweight with floundering relationships and limited prospects, to a centered, healthy, respected individual with great relationships and the opportunity for unlimited success, in 3 short years.  Since then, he had grown from strengths to strengths. He is now recognized as a world renowned self help guru and motivational speaker.


He writes about subjects such as success, persuasive communication, Ultimate Success Formula, health and energy, overcoming fears, , bettering relationships, modeling, know your mental power state, syntax of success. 

Knowledge is only part of the question… a major part is ACTION. ACTION produces results. In fact POWER is defined as “The ability to ACT”

Every communication is action, so communication is power.  Your level of communication mastery will determine your level of success with others, personally, emotionally, socially and financially. The level of success you experience internally, is based on how you communicate with yourself. How you feel is not the result of what is happening in your life, but what you perceive is happening in your life.  One can interpret any result in a positive way or a negative way.

Outstanding peopie leave clues to how they achieve results. Duplicate actions of others. Adopt actions and beliefs that produce similar results.  Find models of personal excellence.

The key to love, power, joys i the ability to control, direct and manage your states.

How to run your brain – How you produce a state of depression and ecstacy is how one structures your internal representations. You can direct and implant in your brain, the cures you want.


Ultimate Success Formula 

  • Target – Know your outcome
  • Action – Take action that your believe with produce the results you desire – else your desire will always only be your dreams
  • Determine Response – Develop sensory acuity to recognise the responses and results you are getting to determine whether they are moving towards the outcome.
  • Adapt and Change until Desired results is achieved – Develop the flexibility to change your action until you get the result you want to achieve your outcome.


Anthony Robbins talks about seven fundamental character traits to succeed

  1. Passion – Consuming obsessive purpose to do what they do, to grow and to be more. Gives them the fuel that powers their success train and causes them to tap their true potential.
  2. Belief – Huge power and effect of action and belief on mankind. Our belief in what we are and what we can be will determine what we will be. if we believe in magic, we will live a magical life. If If we believe our life is defined by limits, they will defined by limits. 1 & 2 provides the fuel and propulsion towards excellence!!.
  3. Strategy – Way of organising resources to achieve goal. What one needs and what one needs to do is to achieve the goal.  One needsw the reources and use it in an effective way. The best talents and ambitions need to find the right avenue.
  4. Clarity of Values – Fundamental, ethical and moral judgements we make about what’s important. A belief system. Judgements on what makes life worth living. 1, 2 4 are interactive. If 1 and 2 do not conform with your values, the goal will not be fulfilled.
  5. Energy – Physical vitality to take action. Physical, interllectual and spiritual energy to take action to make the most of what we have. Need to maximise physical vibrancy.
  6. Bonding power – Ability to create and develop a rapport with different backgrounds and beliefs. Great successes are not on the world stage but in the recesses of your heart. Need to form lasting, loving relationships with others.
  7. Master of Communication – The way we communicate with others and ourselves will determine the quality of our lives. People who shape our lives have an ability to communicate a vision, quest, joy or mission in a way that creates a passion in you to share that vision. It is what makes a great parent, artist , politician or teacher.


7 Beliefs that foster excellence

  • Everything happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves us.
  • Whatever happens, take responsibility. If you take responsibility, you can control the agenda. We generate our own experiences of life and we learn from all of them.
  • You do not have to understand everything to use everything. Don’t get bogged down in the details. Understand the outcome, and what you need to get the outcome.
  • People are your greatest resources. Sense of team, purpose and unity.
  • Work is play. If you are going to succeed you need to enjoy what you doing. Make your vocation your vacation.
  • There’s no abiding success without commitment.


If you like to know about Anthony Robbins’s book, click below.

Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement


Bye from now.


Reuben H C Ong (a.k.a Reubeno)

Website: http://www.reubenointernet.com/

Email: reubeno@zestinlife.com

About: Reuben

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